Project Timeline
Phase 1 - MIMO Detection Lit. Review
Research and data acquisition on MIMO detection system
Phase 2 - Deep Neural Networks (NN) Lit. Review
Research on Deep Neural Networks
Phase 3 - Build NN BPSK MIMO Detector
Build 8x8 MIMO antenna system for BPSK modulation.
Build NN detector (Tensorflow.)
Train NN and adjust parameters.
Test NN with newly generated data.
Phase 4 -Implement NN QPSK MIMO Detector
Build 4x4 & 8x8 MIMO antenna system for QPSK modulation.
Build NN detector (Tensorflow.)
Train NN and adjust parameters.
Test NN with newly generated data.
Phase 5 - Improve NN for High Spectral Modulations (16/64 -QAM)
Build 2x2 & 4x4 MIMO antenna system for QPSK modulation.
Build NN detector (Tensorflow.)
Train NN and adjust parameters.
Test NN with newly generated data.